International trade in goods
Compiler: Finnish Customs
Import and export statistics present the monthly values of Finland's import, export, and balance of trade both in the aggregate and by the countries, groups thereof, and continents. Preliminary statistics and detailed statistics on the international trade of goods are published.
Preliminary statistics on international trade in goods conveys the first monthly data on the international trade of Finland. The preliminary statistics present the development of Finland's export, import, and balance of trade both in the aggregate and by the other EU Member States, Euro territory, and countries not in the EU. Total values of exports and imports of goods are published in preliminary statistics as well as percentage change in trade by country with the largest trade partners. The preliminary statistical figures are produced as original, seasonally adjusted, and trend series. The data in preliminary statistics are published also in statistical database Uljas.
The monthly statistics on the international trade in goods contain the monthly data on the international trade of Finland. The monthly statistics show how the export, import, and balance of trade of Finland has developed according to various commodity classifications, branches of industry of the trading companies as well as different countries and groups thereof. Detailed statistics according to categories of commodities and countries are available in statistical database Uljas.