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Release calendar

Finnish Customs produces statistical publications of OSF-statistics (Official Statistics of Finland) monthly and the statistical database Uljas is updated with the same schedule. The exact date of release is settled for preliminary statistics, detailed monthly statistics and international trade in goods indices in November the year before.

Preliminary statistics are published at the latest 40 days after the end of the statistical month. International trade statistics are published at the latest 60 days after the end of the statistical month.

Release dates of OSF- statistics

Published on the day announced at 9 am.

Statistics month Preliminary statistics
Preliminary indices
Monthly statistics
April 2024 6.6.2024 28.6.2024
May 2024 5.7.2024 29.7.2024
June 2024 7.8.2024 28.8.2024
July 2024 6.9.2024 27.9.2024
August 2024 7.10.2024 29.10.2024
September 2024 6.11.2024 28.11.2024
October 2024 5.12.2024 31.12.2024
November 2024 8.1.2025 29.1.2025
December 2024 6.2.2025 27.2.2025

Uljas statistical database updating schedule

Data is released in Uljas statistical database in general at the same time as the statistical publication in question is released. Besides data on preliminary statistics, detailed monthly statistics and international trade indices, data on international trade in goods by enterprise size categories and international trade in goods by Finnish regions are available. The data is also available in different classifications. The data concerning logistics statistics are released only in statistical database and are released monthly. All data in Uljas statistical database is also available in English.

Logistics statistics, release schedule Uljas statistical database

  • Transport statistics are published about 60 days after the end of the month of reference.
  • Transit transports are published about 30 days after the end of the month of reference.
  • Border traffic is published within seven weeks of the end of the reference month.

Other statistical publications and surveys are available only in Finnish.