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Bulkdownload Rest API

Datasets and associated metadata from Finnish Customs international trade in goods statistics are available in machine-readable format as bulk download via Microsoft Azure Blob storage Rest API programming interface.

The files are in CSV format and data is available from 2022. The downloadable data consist of preliminary data, and detailed data according to CN classification.

Datasets are updated twice every month, at the same time as the preliminary and detailed statistics are published. The methodological description can be found in the quality description.

Files for download (.csv)

International trade statistics by Combined Nomenclature CN:

Preliminary statistics on the international trade in goods:

Code sets:

Rest API

The data can be downloaded as bulk from Microsoft Azure Blob storage Rest API at the web address:

Microsoft Azure Blob services Rest API documentation is here:

Statistical data can be used freely in every possible way provided that Finnish Customs as the source is mentioned.

Finnish Customs provides the API as is and does not take responsibility for any system downtime, technical failures, or for any products/services that are based on the API.