NACE/TOL standard industrial classification
Nomenclature générale des Activités économiques dans le Communautés européennes, NACE
NACE is the industrial classification of units dealing in economic activities. TOL2008 is based on the EU's classification of economic activities, NACE Rev.2, prescribed in the EC Regulation (EC) no1893/2006. The TOL2008 follows the NACE Rev.2 up to the four-digit level; the five-digit level represents national specifications. Starting from the statistics for the year 2009, the new classifications will replace the standard industrial classifications NACE Rev.1.1 and its national version TOL2002, which were used up until the year 2008.
The NACE statistics contain data according to industries.
Classifications based on products, industries, and uses of goods are regularly applied to describe the structure and development of all import and export without specifying any countries. The data, however, are compiled also according to the countries. Statistics complying with these classifications indicate the values only.
NACE standard industrial classification

NACE Rev.2 standard industrial classification - the entire classification

NACE Rev.1.1 standard industrial classification - a selection of the economic activities
The main line of business (NACE code) of a company can be found from PRH – Tax Administration’s Business Information SystemLink to an external website