Annual changes
Please notice, the list of changes will be updated. We recommend you to follow the page or to subscribe the Intrastat newsletter which contains information about current topics and future changes sent conveniently to your e-mail.
Changes in 2024:
Combined Nomenclature CN 2024
There will a few changes to the Combined Nomenclature (CN). On our website Combined Nomenclature there is:
- a link to the CN 2024 in the Official journal of the European Union
- correlation table for the CN versions of 2023 and 2024
- CN subheading and supplementary units 2024
- new codes CN 2024
- deleted codes CN 2024
Combined Nomenclature 2024 in Excel-format will be published as soon as possible.
Arrivals and dispatches of raw wood (CN 4403), the supplementary unit
The amount of raw wood, belonging to group CN 4403 (raw wood, also if the bark or sapwood has been removed, or roughly removed wood) is declared in barkless cubic meters (MTQ). Read more about the converting arrivals and dispatches of raw wood.
Changes in 2023:
- The threshold values of the obligation to provide information will change: EUR 800 000 for arrivals and EUR 800 000 for dispatches.
Combined Nomenclature CN 2023
There will be few changes to the Combined Nomenclature (CN). On our website Combined Nomenclature there is:
- correlation table for the CN versions of 2022 and 2023
- new codes CN 2023
- deleted codes CN 2023
Combined Nomenclature 2023 will be published as soon as possible.
Changes in 2022:
Use of TYVI Pro for Intrastat declarations to be discontinued
The use of Posti’s TYVI Pro service for Intrastat declarations will be discontinued on 31 December 2022. New Intrastat declarations for 2023 can no longer be submitted through Posti’s TYVI Pro service after 1 January 2023.
As of 1 January 2023, Intrastat declarations for 2023 can only be sent through the Finnish Customs Intrastat Declaration Service or direct message exchange.
The Intrastat Declaration Service maintained by Finnish Customs can be used free of charge. In the service, you can complete a digital form or upload a fixed-format ASCII or CSV file. Read file descriptions and instructions on how to use the service on the Finnish Customs website. You need to log in through the e-Identification service.
In direct message exchange, companies send XML messages to Finnish Customs. To send messages, companies require a certificate granted by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Read more about message exchange.
Intrastat declarations for 2022 submitted through the TYVI Pro service can be corrected until the middle of August 2023.
If the TYVI Pro identifier is not valid after 31 December 2022 declarations can only be edited and corrected using the correction form available on the Finnish Customs website.
Note: Declarations for the 2022/12 statistical period can only be submitted in TYVI Pro in January 2023 (deadline 13 January 2023) if the TYVI Pro identifier is valid at the time.
- The Customs agreement on the TYVI service with Posti Messaging expires on 31 May 2022. This means that The contract between the Customs and the Posti for the TYVI service on the Posti Messaging website expires on 31 May 2022. This means that the TYVI Lite ( log in, using the digital form and using the correction form ends on 31 May 2022 for the TYVI Lite users.
From the first of June 2022:- The digital form is available in Customs Intrastat Declaration Service.
- The TYVI Lite users can use the correction form, which is on the Customs website.
- The threshold values of the obligation to provide information will change: EUR 700 000 for arrivals and EUR 700 000 for dispatches.
- The Intrastat reporting obligation for imports will be determined from the statistical year 2022 in accordance with the quality criteria defined by Finnish Customs Statistics, which will be defined during the beginning of year 2022. From autumn 2022, reporting obligations will be removed for companies whose import data is received from other member states in sufficient quality for statistical purposes.
- There will be lot of changes to the Combined nomenclature (CN)
- The Correlation table for the CN versions of 2021 and 2022 and the list of changes is on our website Combined Nomenclature CN
- Nature of transaction
- there will be some changes
- the new code list is on page Nature of transaction breakdown (Indicative Correlation Table between 2021 and 2022)
- the new codes will be taken in use starting from statistical period 2022/01
- The descriptions of the new ASCII- and CSV- files 2022, used in Intrastat Declaration Service have been published on the Customs website Intrastat Declaration Service.
- The file descriptons will change because of the new data on exports. The VAT number of the trading partner (e.g. the buyer/consignee of the goods based in the other member state) and the country of origin (cf. country of origin in arrivals) must be provided in the declaration. Definitions of what these details refer to have been added to our website at Information about the declaration. It will be optional to provide these details in 2021. In 2022, it will be mandatory. You can read more about the Intrastat Modernisation at The future of Intrastat.
Changes in 2021:
The United Kingdom (UK) withdrew from the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020
The United Kingdom consist of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We recommend to observe the situation Brexit for businesses.
- The official country code of UK is GB with Intrastat declarations until the end of 2020.
- For customs declarations the official country code of Great Britain is GB. Note! GB not with Intrastat declarations as of 1 January 2021.
- Northern Ireland is part of the UK but not of Great Britain. The official country code of Northern Ireland as of 1 January 2021 is XI with Intrastat declarations.
An exception in Intrastat declarations
The goods have left Great Britain in 2020 and they arrive in Finland in January 2021 and proof of their Union status is provided:
- An Intrastat declaration is submitted for the statistical period 12/2020 for Union goods that have left Great Britain in 2020, even if they arrive in Finland in January 2021.
- Union goods that have left Great Britain in 2020 can be declared as goods arriving from another EU member state for the statistical periods of 2021, in which case the country of consignment is the other EU member state (not GB) and the country of origin is GB. identification will be used in 2021, The use of Katso identification will end on 31 March 2021
Customs’ customers who still use Katso IDs, will be given time until 31 March 2021 to switch to the service maintained by the Digital and Population Service. The extended time limit is intended for customers who cannot begin using identification and authorisations independently. Of Customs’ customers, these are mainly foreign companies and individuals. Other customers will start using identification and authorisations by 31 December 2020. identification and authorisations will be replacing Katso identification.
Strong personal identification is used when logging in using e-identification, i.e. online banking codes, a mobile certificate or a certificate card.
Persons submitting Intrastat declarations need an electronic authorisation in the form of a mandate before making a declaration. A company’s CEO or any other person with the right to sign for the company grants the mandate. The mandates are granted or requested in the e-Authorizations service.
The mandate used for Intrastat declarations is Statistical declarations on intra-EU trade flows.
More information available on the website:
- How are mandates granted and requested?
- Links to detailed user instructions for the e-Authorization service
User support for companies and organisations: identification and authorisation: Digital and Population Data Services Agency, customer service for organisations, organisaatiopalvelut(at), tel. 0295 535 115 (10.00–15.00)
There will be some changes to the Combined nomenclature (CN) which are listed on our website
Correlation table for the CN versions of 2020 and 2021 Combined Nomenclature CN
A major change will be made in the available Intrastat declaration methods: EDI declarations will no longer be accepted as of 9/2021
More information on the available declaration methods can be found on our website at How do I submit an Intrastat declaration?
Two new details to be collected with Intrastat declarations on dispatched goods from autumn 2021
The VAT number of the trading partner (e.g. the buyer/consignee of the goods based in the other member state) and the country of origin (cf. country of origin in arrivals) must be provided in the declaration. Specific definitions of what these details refer to have been added to our website at Information about the declaration. It will be optional to provide these details in 2021. In 2022, it will be mandatory. You can read more about the future exchange of information between the EU countries (FRIBS basic regulation (EU) 2019/2152) at The future of Intrastat.
Changes in 2020:
- Some changes to the CN nomenclature. Correlation table between the CN versions 2018 and 2019 is on the Finnish Customs website Combined Nomenclature CN.
- The name of Macedonia changes to North Macedonia. The code is still MK.
- Trade with the United Kingdom must still declared in Intrastat. Brexit – the possible withdrawal from EU of the United Kingdom 1.2.2020. We recommend to observe the situation Brexit for businesses.
- identification and authorisations will replace the Katso-ID and Katso authorisations early in the year 2020