CPA product classification
Classification of Products by Activities, CPA
CPA is the classification system of goods and services applied by the European Union.
The CPA statistics indicate the structure of import and export by product categories according to activities. The CPA data are deduced from the CN (Combined Nomenclature CN).
CPA2008 is applied from the year 2009 and onwards. CPA2008 is based on the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 451/2008. For the older statistics, CPA2002 was applied.
Starting from the statistical year 2021, also CPA2015 is published. CPA 2015 is based on the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1209/2014.
Classifications based on products, industries, and uses of goods are regularly applied to describe the structure and development of all import and export without specifying any countries. The data, however, are compiled also according to the countries. Statistics complying with these classifications indicate the values only.
CPA product classification

CPA2015 product classification, the entire classification

CPA2008 product classification, the entire classification

CPA2002 product classification - a selection of the product classes