Monthly statistics on the international trade in goods, April 2021
30.6.2021 9.00
Finnish Customs, Statistics
Both export volume and export prices increased in April
The value of Finnish exports of goods increased by 18.7 per cent year-on-year in April, according to the international trade in goods statistics provided by Finnish Customs. The value of Finnish exports was EUR 5.3 billion. Export volume increased by 10.2 per cent and export prices by 8.6 per cent year-on-year. The value of imports increased by 29.9 per cent in April to EUR 5.5 billion. Import prices increased by 10.4 per cent and import volume by 17.4 per cent compared to April 2020. During the reference month in 2020 exports decreased by 19.2 per cent and imports by 27.1 per cent. In January-April, the aggregated value of exports increased by 7.5 per cent and the value of imports by 7.2 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.
In April 2021, the trade balance showed a deficit of EUR 250 million. In January-April 2021, the trade balance had a deficit of EUR 1.2 billion. The deficit was EUR 28 million higher than in the corresponding period last year. The aggregate trade surplus by commodity group for forest industry products increased in January-April compared with the corresponding period in 2020. The trade surplus in industrial machinery and equipment decreased from a year ago, but the trade surplus in metals increased. Trade deficit increased in the trade in ores and scrap metal and electrical machinery and equipment, but decreased in the trade in oil and petroleum products and foodstuffs in January-April compared to same period the previous year.
The terms of trade weakened in April compared to the corresponding month of 2020 as import prices increased more than export prices. The point figure in April was 97.8, while it was 99.4 in April 2020. The terms of trade improved slightly from March 2021.
The value of exports of capital goods increased by 3.7 per cent and the value of exports of industrial supplies by 18.3 per cent in April. The value of exports of fuels and lubricants increased by 13.1 per cent. The value of exports of consumer goods increased by 14.2 per cent, but the value of exports of food and beverages decreased by 1.1 per cent. The value of exports of transport equipment and parts and accessories more than doubled in April.
The value of imports of food and beverages decreased by 5.6 per cent but the value of imports of consumer goods increased by 6.6 per cent. The value of imports of industrial supplies rose by 16.4 per cent and the value of imports of capital goods by 16.8 per cent. The value of imports of transport equipment increased by 151.8 per cent. The value of imports of fuels and lubricants rose by 60.7 per cent in April compared with the corresponding month last year.
Exports to EU countries increased by 22.3 per cent and exports to non-EU countries by 14.7 per cent in April. Imports from EU countries increased by 33.7 per cent and imports from non-EU countries by 24.4 per cent in April. In January-April, exports to EU countries increased by 7.6 per cent and exports to non-EU countries by 7.5 per cent. During the same period imports from EU countries increased by 7.8 per cent and from non-EU countries by 6.3 per cent.
Direction | April 2020 | April 2021 | Change % | January-April 2020 | January-April 2021 | Change % |
Exports (fob) | 4 449 | 5 282 | 18,7 | 18 880 | 20 304 | 7,5 |
Imports (cif) | 4 258 | 5 531 | 29,9 | 20 093 | 21 546 | 7,2 |
Balance | 191 | -250 | -1214 | -1 242 |
Index | April 2020 | April 2021 | Change % 2021:04/2021:03 |
Change % 2021:04/2020:04 |
Mean * 2020:05-2021:04 |
Change % 2020:05-2021:04/ 2019:05-2020:04 |
Volume index exports | 87,7 | 96,6 | -9,5 | 10,2 | 95,0 | -3,6 |
Volume index imports | 85,7 | 100,6 | -9,6 | 17,4 | 98,1 | -5,0 |
Unit value index exports | 114,3 | 124,1 | 2,0 | 8,6 | 116,2 | -1,3 |
Unit value index imports | 115,0 | 127,0 | 1,6 | 10,4 | 118,6 | 0,8 |
* Moving 12-months averages
Further information:
Telasuo, Christina tel. +358 40 332 1828
Riikonen, Johanna tel. +358 40 332 1824
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