Preliminary statistics on the international trade in goods, May 2021
8.7.2021 9.00
Finnish Customs, Statistics
Exports increased by 28.4 per cent in May
According to the preliminary statistics of international trade in goods provided by Finnish Customs, the value of Finnish exports increased by 28.4 per cent, and the value of imports by 23.8 per cent in May year-on-year. The value of Finnish exports in May was almost EUR 5.2 billion and the value of imports EUR 5.4 billion. During the reference month in 2020 exports decreased by 30.5 per cent and imports by 25.2 per cent.
In January-May 2021, the total value of exports increased by 11.4 per cent and the value of imports by 10.4 per cent year-on-year.
The trade balance was EUR 210 million in deficit in May. In January-May, the trade balance ran an aggregated deficit of EUR 1.5 billion. In May 2020, the trade balance was EUR 320 million in deficit, and in January-May the aggregated deficit was EUR 1.5 billion.
Exports to EU member states increased by 22.7 per cent and exports to non-EU countries by 35.7 per cent in May. Imports from EU countries increased by 26.8 per cent and imports from non-EU countries by 19.4 per cent. Calculated from the beginning of the year, aggregated exports to EU countries rose by 10.4 per cent and to non-EU countries by 12.5 per cent. During the same period, imports from EU member states rose by 11.4 per cent and from other countries by 8.9 per cent.
The monthly preliminary statistics release contains preliminary overall figures about Finland's international trade in goods. More precise figures of exports and imports as well as detailed statistics about specific countries and goods will be published at the end of the month in the monthly statistical release.
Further information:
Telasuo, Christina tel. +358 40 332 1828
Riikonen, Johanna tel. +358 40 332 1824
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