Preliminary statistics on the international trade in goods, January 2024
7.3.2024 9.00
Export prices decreased by 6.5 per cent and export volume by 1.3 per cent in January according to preliminary data
According to the preliminary statistics of international trade in goods provided by Finnish Customs, the value of Finnish exports decreased by 8.6 per cent in January year-on-year. The value of Finnish exports in January was EUR 5.8 billion. Export volume decreased by 1.3 per cent, and export prices declined by 6.5 per cent year-on-year.
The value of imports decreased by 11.9 per cent in January and the value of imports was EUR 5.9 billion. Import prices declined by 3.7 per cent and import volume decreased by 7.5 per cent compared to January 2023.
Change of export volume during the latest 12 months was -2.9 per cent (12 month moving average February 2023 – January 2024). The corresponding figure for import volume was -10.7 per cent.
The trade balance was in deficit of EUR 95 million in January. In January 2023, the trade balance was EUR 340 million in deficit.
Volume of internal exports increased, volume of external exports decreased
Value of exports to EU member states decreased by 7.2 per cent and to non-EU countries by 10.6 per cent in January compared to the same month the previous year. The volume of exports to EU countries increased by 1.1 per cent, but declined to non-EU countries by 4.9 per cent during the same time.
Value of imports from EU countries decreased by 7.0 per cent and from non-EU countries by 18.0 per cent in January. The volume of imports from EU member states decreased by 3.5 per cent and from non-EU countries by 10.6 per cent.
In this publication preliminary statistics under table 6 are listed export and import values and percentage change by country. The values in the table are preliminary and significant changes are possible when data becomes more complete.
Next release

Information on the statistic
Finnish Customs, Statistics
Further information:
Kaarna, Anssi tel. +358 40 332 8153
Telasuo, Christina tel. +358 40 332 1828
E-mail: forename.surname[at]