Statistics specification: Border traffic statistics
Title of statistics
Border traffic statistics
Finnish Customs
The statistics describe the number of means of transport crossing the Finnish border by border crossing point. The vehicles and containers that have entered and left the country within international traffic are sorted according to means of transport.
Data content
The statistics indicate the number of means of transport that have crossed the Finnish border each month. The means of transport are divided into passenger cars and delivery vans, buses, trucks and trailers and container shipments. Data on container include the total number of containers, regardless of size. The statistics include data on the customs office where the means of transport crossed the customs border. The data is also grouped according to a vehicle’s country of registration or country of destination/departure when such information is available. If it is not available, the country of registration is unspecified. The vehicles crossing the land border have been provided according to country of registration and the sea border details according to country of departure/destination. The traffic statistics also contain data on transit traffic. The border crossing points are further grouped into border stations in Norway, Sweden and Russia, and separately into sea and land border stations.
Data collecting method
Traficom collects port-specific data on the means of transport arriving in Finland by sea. The customs collect data by customs office on the means of transport crossing the land border. The data derived from the various sources is put together at the Statistics of the Finnish Customs.
Applied classifications
No international classification standard is used for border traffic statistics. The means of transport are classified as follows: passenger car, bus, loaded truck, empty truck, loaded semi-trailer, loaded container and empty container.
Updating frequency
Completion or publication date
The border traffic statistics are produced monthly in electronic format within seven weeks after the end of the statistical month. The monthly border traffic statistics are published in the Monthly publication on the international trade in goods and the yearly border traffic statistics in the Annual publication on the international trade in goods. Annual statistics on the border traffic statistics is published in March – April following the statistical year.
Time series
The data has been collected since 1954. The statistics are available in the Uljas service since 2004.
international traffic, means of transport, vehicles, containers, border traffic
Contact information
Finnish Customs / Statistics
Statistics Service, Tel. +358 295 52335
E-mail: statistics[at]
Statistical database Uljas: